Collection: All Memberships

How It Works

Individual Memberships

Can afford the full plan? Pick The Guardian ($100) and keep this mission going.
Need financial help? Apply for The Marksman ($50) (limited spots available).
Want to support others while training? Become A Guardian ($150), and fund subsidized memberships.

📌 For every $1000 paid in full memberships, we can offer 5 discounted memberships.

Join the Fight

🔥 Pick your tier, commit to training, and be ready.
🚀 Sign up below

💀 Stay sharp. Stay ready. Stay dangerous. 💀

🛠️ Rock City Defense Supporting Memberships – Fund the Fight

Not everyone can train, but everyone can contribute. If you believe in what we do—self-defense, community readiness, and making training accessible—you can support our mission without stepping on the mat or hitting the range.

💀 Supporting memberships help cover training for those who need financial assistance, ensuring that cost is never a barrier to preparedness. 💀

🤝 Community Supporter Membership Tiers (No Training Included – Just Support the Mission)

⚡ $25 – Groundwork (Entry-Level Supporter)

  • Helps fund subsidized training for those in financial need
  • Access to exclusive Rock City Defense updates & strategy calls
  • Name listed (optional) on our Wall of Supporters

🔥 $50 – Vanguard (Core Supporter)

  • All Sentinel benefits PLUS:
  • Rock City Defense sticker pack & patch as a thank-you
  • Exclusive monthly Q&A session with leadership & trainers
  • 10% off all merchandise

⚔️ $75 – Insurgent (Elite Supporter)

  • All Pillar benefits PLUS:
  • Rock City Defense limited-edition shirt (Supporter Exclusive)
  • 20% off all merchandise
  • Direct impact: Your membership directly funds one subsidized Marksman membership per month

⚔️ $100 – Vanguard (Elite Supporter)

  • All Pillar benefits PLUS:
  • Rock City Defense limited-edition shirt (Supporter Exclusive)
  • 20% off all merchandise
  • Direct impact: Your membership directly funds one subsidized Marksman membership per month
  • Annual thank-you gift (custom merch or challenge coin)

📢 Why Support?

  • For every 5 Guardian ($150) members or 10 Vanguard ($100) supporters, we can fund 5 subsidized memberships.
  • Your support means more people learning real skills, staying ready, and building a stronger community.
  • Even if you don’t train, you’re helping people who will defend themselves, their families, and their communities.

⚡ Stand With Us – Become a Supporting Member

💀 Not everyone fights, but everyone can help fund the fight. 💀

🚀 Join today